@WSJ 1 year ago
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hopes a visit to Washington will lead to greater U.S.-U.K. economic ties for post-Brexit Britain https://on.wsj.com/45TqoSv
@WSJ 4 years ago
One hurdle to a hoped-for U.S.-U.K. free-trade pact: Congressional Democrats, who won’t approve an accord if Brexit undermines peace in Ireland. https://on.wsj.com/2zp8Dw9
@WSJ 5 years ago
The president’s visit to Buckingham Palace is set to play out against a backdrop of protests and to lay bare some of the uncertainties around Brexit and the U.K.’s security relations with the U.S. https://on.wsj.com/2MkhAjE
@WSJ 5 years ago
The Brexit mess in the U.K. could be a problem for the U.S., says @GeraldfSeib https://on.wsj.com/2U6CnLb
@WSJ 5 years ago
Apollo seals $4.3 billion acquisition of one of the U.K.’s biggest packaging companies, the latest sign that U.S. buyout firms remain undeterred by Brexit https://on.wsj.com/2FSHLcl
@WSJ 5 years ago
Trump and May meet amid tensions over the U.S. president's public rebuke of the U.K. prime minister's Brexit strategy https://on.wsj.com/2KPHTx7
@WSJ 5 years ago
In a public rebuke hours after landing in the U.K., Trump said May's Brexit plan would affect trade with the U.S. 'in a negative way' https://on.wsj.com/2zCixgW
@WSJ 6 years ago
It takes on average 45 months for the U.S. to negotiate bilateral trade agreements. Negotiations can’t start in earnest with the U.K. until Britain has settled its post-Brexit relationship with the EU. https://on.wsj.com/2IwfDyn
@WSJ 6 years ago
Recent events point to U.K.’s post-Brexit dependence on the U.S. http://on.wsj.com/2HEFSha
@WSJ 6 years ago
The sudden tension between the U.S. and its close ally comes as the U.K. prepares for Brexithttp://on.wsj.com/2AkbdVM
@WSJ 6 years ago
U.S.-U.K. aviation talks may offer model for Britain’s preparations to recreate its own trade policy after Brexithttp://on.wsj.com/2hiPWBu
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
Trump and Brexit — and the ensuing uncertainty in U.S. and U.K. — may have pushed Dutch voters away from populism:… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/842568201460420609
@WSJ 7 years ago
Investors bet U.S.’s economy after Trump’s election will be in better shape than the U.K.’s post-Brexithttp://on.wsj.com/2kVEazO
@WSJ 8 years ago
What to look for this week in the global economy: U.K. GDP amid Brexit debate, first estimate of U.S. growth in 2016 http://on.wsj.com/1NJIZka
@WSJ 8 years ago
A U.S.-U.K. trade deal in the event of a Brexit could take a decade, Obama Says http://on.wsj.com/1MR0apf