@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
'Stop the Brexit landslide' - Massive People's Vote rally to descend on Westminster https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/stop-the-brexit-landslide-massive-people-s-vote-rally-to-descend-on-westminster-1-6407238
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
How pro-Brexit media tried to take the shine off the People's Vote march https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/pro-brexit-draws-attentions-away-from-peoples-vote-1-6339248
@guardian 4 years ago
Brexit: MPs vote on amendment to Boris Johnson's deal as thousands join People's Vote march – live news https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2019/oct/19/brexit-mps-vote-boris-johnson-deal-super-saturday-erg-tory-rebels-labour-live-news?CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1571492047
@guardian 4 years ago
Brexit: MPs debate Boris Johnson's deal as thousands join People's Vote march – live news https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2019/oct/19/brexit-mps-vote-boris-johnson-deal-super-saturday-erg-tory-rebels-labour-live-news?CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1571490472
@guardian 4 years ago
Brexit: MPs debate Boris Johnson's deal as People's Vote march sets off – live news https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2019/oct/19/brexit-mps-vote-boris-johnson-deal-super-saturday-erg-tory-rebels-labour-live-news?CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1571484724
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Before the People's Vote march come stand with LGBT+ people at our anti-Brexit rally https://buff.ly/32pT7x6
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Download and print a free anti-Brexit placard for the People's Vote march https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/download-and-print-a-free-anti-brexit-placard-for-the-people-s-vote-march-1-6325276
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
The Lib Dems could vote for Boris Johnson's Brexit deal if it secures a People's Vote, despite anti-Brexit stance http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/jo-swinson-lib-dems-could-vote-for-boris-johnson-s-deal-1-6325137
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
The next steps on Brexit needs a mandate - only a People's Vote can deliver it https://buff.ly/2M688yq
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
This Dragon's Den star has changed his mind on Brexit - he wants a People's Vote https://buff.ly/2M5iwpW
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Football veteran Jamie Carragher backs People's Vote warning UK faces 'relegation' after Brexit https://buff.ly/2Iv7Sqb
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Three and a half years on from the Brexit vote only a People's Vote can fix trust in politics https://buff.ly/332pWjp
@guardian 4 years ago
People's Vote tells Labour MPs not to back a Johnson Brexit deal https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/sep/19/peoples-vote-tells-labour-mps-not-to-back-a-johnson-brexit-deal?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1568915432
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Jacob Rees-Mogg admits a People's Vote would 'overturn the Brexit decision' http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/jacob-rees-mogg-on-lbc-1-6247494
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Jacob Rees-Mogg admits a People's Vote would 'overturn the Brexit decision' https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/jacob-rees-mogg-on-lbc-1-6247494
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
People's Vote volunteers are at one of the world's largest street festivals campaigning to stop Brexit. https://buff.ly/2Nw2uX8
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Labour MP Jess Phillips told the People's Vote rally that if opposing Brexit costs her her seat, she would gladly sacrifice it to protect her constituents' jobs. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/johnson-feet-on-macron-s-table-1-6234362
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
"It is time to put an end to this chaos, recall parliament, remove the threat of crashing out with No Deal and secure a People's Vote with the option to remain, so we can stop Brexit altogether." https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/government-documents-reveal-uk-faces-food-fuel-and-drugs-shortages-in-event-of-no-deal-brexit-1-6221835
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Everyone's keen to make Brexit claims from polling, so why isn't there a People's Vote to settle it once and for all? http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/telegraph-comres-poll-on-no-deal-brexit-1-6212503
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Jo Johnson voted Remain, backed Brexit by voting to trigger Article 50, and then quit to campaign for a People's Vote. Now he seems relaxed about his brother delivering a no-deal Brexit. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/stanley-johnson-evokes-wrath-of-joan-bakewell-1-6193148
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Eight myths about Brexit and a People's Vote debunked by campaigners https://buff.ly/2ytjAwr
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Eight myths about Brexit and a People's Vote debunked by campaigners https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/eight-myths-about-brexit-and-people-s-vote-debunked-by-campaigners-1-6193653
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
"I want the British public to have the final say on Brexit. I want a new people's vote. I will demand a new people's vote. And I will campaign unequivocally to Remain." https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/emily-thornberry-says-labour-must-campaign-unequivocally-for-remain-1-6159344
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Theresa May's former chief of staff says People's Vote only way to solve Brexit logjam https://buff.ly/2l7fCGn
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
"For months, MPs like Lisa Nandy have led a false narrative that the 'North' of England is Brexit heartland, and in particular, that the People's Vote campaign does not speak to communities like the one she represents in Wigan. But this is not true." https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/peoples-vote-rally-in-wigan-1-6154541
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Thornberry could be demoted for People's Vote support and criticism of Labour's Brexit policy https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/emily-thornberry-demotion-1-6097315
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
"People's Vote of the whole country on this whole Brexit shit show - affront to democracy. New prime minister chosen by 0.25% of the whole country, 81% of whom did not vote for the party he/she will lead - democracy in action." https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/alastair-campbell-boris-johnson-tories-labour-britains-democratic-deficit-1-6091757
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Labour's Brexit spokesperson tells leadership to make urgent announcement on People's Vote https://buff.ly/2EUPHsx
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
He says if Corbyn doesn't take a clear position on a People's Vote, we'll get Boris Johnson and a no-deal Brexit. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/labour-complicit-in-boris-as-prime-minister-1-6081230
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Labour 'could back Brexit in a People's Vote', frontbencher claims https://buff.ly/2YYqmFk
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Labour 'could back Brexit in a People's Vote' https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/labour-could-back-brexit-in-a-people-s-vote-frontbencher-claims-1-6079507
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
After a poor showing for Labour in the EU elections, Jeremy Corbyn has said that the issue of Brexit needs to be decided by the people - either in a general election or in a People's Vote. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/corbyn-on-eu-election-result-1-6072891
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
As they fumbled over Liverpool analogies for Brexit they conveniently forgot Jürgen Klopp is a People's Vote supporter. https://buff.ly/2Ha5MdQ
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
People's Vote campaigners react to Labour's "mealy-mouthed" manifesto over Brexit. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/campaigners-react-as-labour-continues-to-push-for-brexit-with-new-manifesto-1-6025525
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
The People's Vote campaign said the "mealy-mouthed wording still maintains the fiction that there is a deal out there that can satisfy all the promises" on Brexit. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/labour-nec-endorse-jeremy-corbyn-approach-to-brexit-1-6025289
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
The organizers of a People's Vote march in London say there is one way out of the Brexit impasse: Give Britons another chance to vote on whether the country should leave the European Union https://nyti.ms/2Fumsx8
@guardian 5 years ago
Brexit march: hundreds of thousands take to streets to demand people's vote - live updates #PeoplesVoteMarch https://trib.al/m6cZndO
@guardian 5 years ago
Brexit: hundreds of thousands expected at people's vote march – live updates #PeoplesVoteMarch https://trib.al/19sI7cq
@guardian 5 years ago
Brexit: hundreds of thousands expected to march for people's vote – live updates https://trib.al/GKo7LSd
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Tom Watson will tell crowds that he will not support any Brexit deal unless it's put to a People's Vote. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/peoples-vote-march-in-london-1-5954606
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
MPs tonight will vote on a new Brexit referendum, but the People's Vote campaign says now is not the time to hold one. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/house-of-commons-amendments-1-5936878
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Support the newspaper which backed a People's Vote from the start. Subscribe for £13 and get a FREE Bollocks to Brexit mug http://subsave.co.uk/mugtne
@guardian 5 years ago
Brexit: fight for 'people's vote' not over yet, say campaigners https://trib.al/CgBuIRy
@guardian 5 years ago
Brexit: People's Vote MPs drop plan to table second referendum amendment for vote next week - Politics live https://trib.al/C3PhUFN
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Sir Keir Starmer said Labour must not reverse its commitment to a People's Vote on Brexit. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/sir-keir-starmer-speech-to-fabian-society-1-5858460
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Number 10 prefers the BBC's proposal because it will only look at the Brexit deal and reportedly will not focus on the wider political situation - like a People's Vote. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/bbc-televised-brexit-debate-between-jeremy-corbyn-and-theresa-may-1-5799924
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Support for People's Vote on Brexit from migrant worker's union https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/support-for-peoples-vote-on-brexit-from-migrant-workers-union-the-iwgb-1-5796777
@guardian 5 years ago
Labour to block People's Vote taking part in Brexit TV debate https://trib.al/dbmM5by