Northern Ireland: the three electoral threats keeping the DUP awake at night
New EU-UK trade deal has promise for Northern Ireland and US as well 1 year ago
The UK and the EU have reached an agreement on Northern Ireland 1 year ago
Irish leader: Brexit talks over N Ireland close to a deal 1 year ago
Briefing wars escalate as nervous European Union and Britain enter Brexit endgame
Northern Ireland protocol row could damage good faith needed for post-Brexit trade deals 2 years ago
EU launches legal action against UK over post-Brexit changes 2 years ago
EU launches legal action against UK over post-Brexit changes 2 years ago
EU must make more concessions on Northern Irish part of the deal, Britain’s Brexit minister insists 3 years ago
Loyalists warn that EU’s refusal to accept Brexit deal changes threatens Northern Ireland peace agreement 3 years ago
EU launches legal action over UK decision to unilaterally extend Brexit grace period 3 years ago
EU members ‘need to cool it’ on Brexit, says Irish PM as tensions with UK simmer following vaccine debacle at NI border 3 years ago
‘Attack on democracy & Tory power grab’: British Union members slam upcoming Internal Market bill 4 years ago
Johnson's win may deliver Brexit but could risk UK's breakup 4 years ago
EU and U.K. Agree Draft Brexit Deal, What Happens Next? 4 years ago
The Invisible 310-Mile Barrier to a Brexit Deal 4 years ago
DUP's Dodds says Northern Ireland must stay in full UK customs union: Repubblica 4 years ago
Johnson declines to say whether Northern Ireland will stay in EU customs union after Brexit 4 years ago
Ireland and the UK see a 'pathway' to a Brexit deal 4 years ago
‘Overwhelmingly unlikely’: BoJo’s Brexit plan in tatters as Merkel reportedly dismisses chances of a deal 4 years ago
Brexit: No 10 giving up hope of deal after deadlock in Johnson call with Merkel - live news 4 years ago
EU and Ireland sceptical of a Brexit breakthrough after UK PM Johnson's offer 4 years ago
EU and Ireland skeptical of a Brexit breakthrough after UK PM Johnson's offer 4 years ago
UK PM Johnson to submit Brexit grand bargain but Ireland skeptical 4 years ago
Ireland says Brexit deal is not yet close but 'mood music' has improved 4 years ago
Ireland open to a Brexit deal but yet to see UK proposals: Coveney 4 years ago
EU prods Britain towards Northern Ireland backstop to break Brexit deadlock 4 years ago
Ireland says EU would respond positively to British move on Brexit 4 years ago
EU would respond positively to British move on Brexit: Ireland 4 years ago
Ireland raises prospect of some no-deal Brexit checks near border 4 years ago
EU executive says Brexit backstop only way to avoid hard border in Ireland 5 years ago
New British PM will not get better Brexit deal - Ireland 5 years ago
Ireland says EU open to Brexit extension but PM May needs clear plan 5 years ago
Irish PM says thinks EU leaders open to further Brexit extension 5 years ago
Cyprus Backstop? Ireland is not the only island with Brexit muddle 5 years ago
No-deal Brexit 'would require direct rule in Northern Ireland' 5 years ago
Brexit’s Irish border problem, explained 5 years ago
Merkel says it’s still possible to agree on Irish border with Britain 5 years ago
BoJo calls for NI-Scotland bridge, dropping Brexit divorce payments at DUP conference 5 years ago
Brexit draft agreement: Kicking Northern Ireland border issue down the road & other key points 5 years ago
EU Leaders Reject U.K. Proposals on Post-Brexit Economic Relations
@guardian 6 years ago
Northern Ireland could stay in customs union after Brexit – Verhofstadt 7 years ago
One Issue That Could Break the Brexit Talks