A powerful new video from @davidschneider, @ingridoliver100 and @bestforbritain urges us all to get angry about Brexit https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/david-schneider-and-ingrid-oliver-designed-to-get-us-angry-about-brexit-1-5743116
Stay angry, fight Brexit! Beat the price rise by subscribing to The New European this Christmas - http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/make-christmas-great-again-with-the-new-european-subsciption-1-5321798 https://t.co/mKfFPVfD2v
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Pick up The New European for £2 today to find out why so many faceless trolls are angry about the story investigating Russia's Brexit links. https://t.co/qLPz1IbIZ5
Stay angry, fight Brexit! Subscribe to The New European for 13 weeks for just £15 and get our exclusive Christmas cards free: http://ow.ly/hPh150fm9IQ #BlackFriday https://t.co/Qcdk9NV8bP
Stay angry and fight Brexit. Subscribe to The New European for 13 weeks for just £15 and get our exclusive Christmas cards free: http://ow.ly/32pa50fm8Pd https://t.co/2mZSGYvVLS