@guardian 1 year ago
Rishi Sunak cites cheap beer and sanitary products as benefits of Brexit https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/may/17/rishi-sunak-cites-cheap-beer-and-sanitary-products-as-benefits-of-brexit?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1684339457
@TheNewEuropean 2 years ago
Three years on, here are all the Brexit benefits so far… https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/three-years-on-here-are-all-the-brexit-benefits-so-far/
@guardian 2 years ago
Sunak marks Brexit anniversary by claiming benefits will ‘continue to empower communities’ – UK politics live https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2023/jan/31/rishi-sunak-brexit-conservatives-uk-politics-latest?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1675157953
@TheNewEuropean 2 years ago
For those of the Brexit persuasion, the East Europeans who managed to get in should be called 'Benefits Vultures'. They are as far from this as imaginable, writes @wself https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/multicultural-man-on-migrants/
@guardian 2 years ago
Still searching for those elusive Brexit benefits | Letters https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/nov/10/still-searching-for-those-elusive-brexit-benefits?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1668103738
@guardian 2 years ago
From benefits to Brexit: the looming issues for Liz Truss https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/oct/09/from-benefits-to-brexit-the-looming-issues-for-liz-truss?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1665330866
@guardian 2 years ago
Tory leadership: Sunak frustrated government attempts to realise benefits of Brexit, Truss allies claim – UK politics live https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/aug/11/tory-leadership-liz-truss-rishi-sunak-brexit-economy-uk-politics-latest?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1660206539
@TheNewEuropean 2 years ago
The benefits of Brexit are petty, pathetic and pitiful https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/the-benefits-of-brexit-are-petty-pathetic-and-pitiful/
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Like the rest of the UK, Wales has been repeatedly lied to over the benefits that will come from Brexit, @DelythJewellAM tells @ELongman_Rood https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/if-the-union-worked-we-wouldnt-need-levelling-up-delyth-jewell-on-jacob-rees-mogg-brexit-opportunists-and-westminsters-broken-promises/
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
The government’s ‘Benefits of Brexit’ paper presents our grim road ahead https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/the-governments-benefits-of-brexit-paper-presents-our-grim-road-ahead/
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Nanny-seekers and seasoned skiers struggle to find Brexit benefits https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/latest-brexit-polls-fail-to-find-good-news/
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Looking for a book to enjoy? Try 'The Big Book of Brexit Benefits' - two hundred pristine blank pages which you can fill in yourself as and when they become apparent! https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/mitch-benn-tory-minister-books/
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Government to hire adviser to identify post-Brexit benefits https://buff.ly/3fAJ4Ns
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Almost five years on from the Brexit referendum result, the Tory government continues to struggle to demonstrate the tangible benefits of leaving the EU https://buff.ly/3hGzJpM
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Government to hire adviser to identify post-Brexit benefits https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/westminster-news/boris-johnson-brexit-adviser-7980212
@guardian 3 years ago
Post-Brexit trade deals mean firms will miss out on freeport benefits https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/may/10/post-brexit-trade-deals-mean-firms-will-miss-out-on-freeport-benefits?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1620665880
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
It's time for Boris Johnson to show the promised Brexit benefits https://buff.ly/3rKhS36
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
It's time for Boris Johnson to show the promised Brexit benefits https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/westminster-news/boris-johnson-must-show-brexit-benefits-7320474
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
“At the very least, the Turing scheme needs to provide the same benefits we received under schemes like Erasmus, if the government’s post-Brexit ‘global Britain’ rhetoric is to be believed.” https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/europe-news/turing-scheme-replacing-erasmus-7310958
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Isabel Oakeshott says Brexit has a 'raft of benefits' - but fails to name one https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/isabel-oakeshott-fails-to-recount-any-brexit-benefits-6878076
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
"More Pollocks and Mackerel and summer holidays on the North Sea. Finally @TiceRichard has nailed those Brexit benefits" https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/westminster-news/richard-tice-brexit-opportunities-lbc-radio-twitter-6754452
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
'Surprising to discover that in 2002 Rik Mayall was advising government on the benefits of Brexit.' https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/europe-news/footage-surfaces-on-twitter-of-comedian-predicting-brexit-378014
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
EU mocks Boris Johnson for his vision of Brexit ‘independence’ which involves ‘cherry picking’ bloc benefits https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/eu-mocks-pm-boris-johnson-for-his-vision-of-brexit-independence-which-involves-cherry-picking-bloc-benefits-1-6622465?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social_Icon&utm_campaign=in_article_social_icons
@guardian 5 years ago
Johnson's Brexit needs to deliver economic benefits … and fast https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/dec/13/johnsons-brexit-needs-to-deliver-economic-benefits-and-fast?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1576254395
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Not even Nigel Farage can tell me the real benefits of Brexit, Barnier claims https://buff.ly/2JWtI6W
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Barnier: Not even Farage can tell me the real benefits of Brexit https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/michel-barnier-on-the-benefits-of-brexit-1-6360997
@guardian 6 years ago
Scanning the horizon for Brexit risks and EU benefits | Letters https://trib.al/CPBpDqz
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Dyson’s farm benefits from EU subsidies despite the millionaire backing Brexit http://bit.ly/2S2MHC4
@guardian 6 years ago
John Redwood says UK is losing sight of Brexit benefits https://trib.al/bUReCis
@guardian 6 years ago
John Redwood says UK is losing sight of Brexit benefits https://trib.al/h0kc8R9
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
In the Winter Wetherspoon News is a feature headlined ‘Unicorns For All In This Wondrous Realm’. It turns out this is the name of a new gin brand, not the benefits of Brexit. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/brexit-pub-propaganda-leaving-a-bitter-taste-1-5800389
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
He says with Theresa May's plan there will be "none of the possible benefits of Brexit" https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/nigel-farage-talks-about-theresa-mays-secret-brexit-plan-on-lbc-radio-1-5764098
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Dithering former Brexit secretary David Davis has claimed that the “benefits” that Brexiteers were hoping for when the UK leaves the EU are starting to “vanish” https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/former-brexit-secretary-on-peston-talking-about-the-irish-backstop-1-5732274
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Traitors? No, the Lords are the voice of reason on Brexit. Andrew Adonis on the benefits of the House of Lords post-Brexit. http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/andrew-adonis-lords-voice-of-reason-brexit-1-5492721
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
"The promise of a hard Brexit did not yield expected electoral benefits last year; historically, loss of power, or fear of it, has preceded party rethinks." https://goo.gl/A9Fh93
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
"The promise of a hard Brexit did not yield expected electoral benefits last year; historically, loss of power, or fear of it, has preceded party rethinks." https://goo.gl/A9Fh93
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
The economic benefits of EU membership "are nothing like as conspicuous or irrefutable as is sometimes claimed," the UK's foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, is expected to argue in a Brexit speech today http://nyti.ms/2EqO5sa
@guardian 7 years ago
Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson rejects Boris Johnson's claim about Brexit financial benefits - Politics live https://trib.al/lqpbY7C
@guardian 7 years ago
EU demands right to child benefits even after Brexit http://trib.al/ex0IbVk
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit: PM making plans to replicate Euratom benefits in face of Tory revolt http://trib.al/GKmmrtv
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Puzzled by the benefits of #Brexit? So are we. http://ow.ly/oYeK309gr99
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Puzzled by the benefits of #Brexit? So are we. http://ow.ly/oYeK309gr99
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Puzzled by the benefits of #Brexit? So are we. http://ow.ly/oYeK309gr99
@guardian 8 years ago
Stop complaining about Brexit – the economic benefits will be huge | John Longworth http://trib.al/5V8xVPc
@guardian 8 years ago
Post-Brexit inflation will cost 11.5m families an extra £100 a year in lost benefits, says IFS - Politics live http://trib.al/YHYMtD1
@guardian 8 years ago
Challenges Theresa May inherits from Cameron: from Brexit to benefits http://trib.al/Xb18TdT
@guardian 8 years ago
Asos to reap Brexit benefits after fall in pound http://trib.al/KLgPMZV
@guardian 8 years ago
Asos to reap Brexit benefits after fall in pound http://trib.al/2678CmP