@TheNewEuropean 2 years ago
On the upside, 2022 is ending better than it started. We've seen off Boris Johnson, everyone with two brain cells now admits Brexit is a disaster (sit down, Farage), and @GretaThunberg just handed the ridiculous Andrew Tate his arse. 2023 is starting on a promising trajectory.
@zeit.de 2 years ago
Britische Premierministerin: Liz Truss entschuldigt sich für ihre Wirtschaftspolitik - zeit.de
Long Live Populism
The Worst, Best Prime Minister
@zeit.de 3 years ago
Brexit: Europäer setzen Boris Johnson im Streit um Handelsdeal unter Druck - ZEIT ONLINE
@zeit.de 3 years ago
Brexit: Europäer setzen Boris Johnson im Streit um Handelsdeal unter Druck - ZEIT ONLINE
@zeit.de 3 years ago
Brexit: Ein Fehler der EU spielt Boris Johnson in die Hände - ZEIT ONLINE
@zeit.de 4 years ago
Großbritannien: Boris Johnson kommt zu Brexit-Verhandlungen nach Brüssel - ZEIT ONLINE
@zeit.de 4 years ago
Brexit: EU will Boris Johnsons Ultimatum ignorieren - ZEIT ONLINE
@zeit.de 4 years ago
Brexit-Abkommen: Boris Johnson will Rebellion unter Tories verhindern - ZEIT ONLINE
@zeit.de 4 years ago
Brexit-Abkommen: Boris Johnson verliert Unterstützung in den eigenen Reihen - ZEIT ONLINE
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Großbritannien-Wahl 2019: Johnson will heute Brexit besiegeln - doch Umfragen versprechen Spannung
Boris Johnson's Bad Day and the Contradictions of Brexit
Boris Johnson's Do-Or-Die Gamble on Brexit
Boris Johnson Won a Brexit Round, But the EU Held the Line
Boris, Brexit, and the Politicization of Britain's Judiciary
Boris Johnson for PM? The Brexit Mess Could Get Worse
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Anna Soubry: Boris Johnson Brexit speech ‘pitiful, embarrassing’
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Boris Johnson reaches out to Remainers
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Johnson rebuked by May over NHS funding
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Sir Vince Cable: ‘I don’t understand why Boris Johnson wasn’t sacked’
@channel4.com 7 years ago
May says ‘Boris is Boris’ after Brexit article
@channel4.com 7 years ago
What is Boris up to?
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Barnier slaps down Johnson over Brexit bill
@channel4.com 8 years ago
Boris in Hollande WW2 jibe
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @sewellchan: Boris Johnson, the face of Brexit, is Britain's new foreign secretary. He replaces Philip Hammond, who is now the finance minister.