The failure to call out the lies and false promises over the last seven years has left us in the Brexit morass into which we are sinking more each day By
"We know Johnson has no shame, for we see it day in day out. But for these lesser characters in the Brexit story, might there just be the slightest smidgen of shame at the gulf between what was promised, and what is now ensuing?"
President Biden met virtually with the Irish prime minister on St. Patrick’s Day, stressing his personal and political support for the nation as tensions flare over the Brexit agreement
President Biden is set for a virtual meeting with the Irish prime minister today to mark St. Patrick’s Day. The conversation is expected to affirm deep ties as tensions flare over Brexit.
Approval of a trade deal between Britain and the EU was being hurried through the U.K. Parliament in just a day on Wednesday, a rushed conclusion to a Brexit saga that has divided Britons for more than four years