For Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a submarine deal with the U.S. and Australia is the first tangible victory in a campaign to make post-Brexit Britain a player on the global stage.
The G-7 summit that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson hosted over the weekend was a major opportunity to showcase the U.K.’s ambitions on the global stage, but wrangling over Brexit bled into the meeting
“At the very least, the Turing scheme needs to provide the same benefits we received under schemes like Erasmus, if the government’s post-Brexit ‘global Britain’ rhetoric is to be believed.”
Is Brexit already out of date? The idea of an agile, free-trading “Global Britain” was an effective sales pitch. But that was before President Trump and other populists began erecting barriers to trade.
A clash with China has laid bare deeper contradictions in Prime Minister Boris Johnson's post-Brexit vision: Britain wants to go global at a time when globalization is in retreat