Approval of a trade deal between Britain and the EU was being hurried through the U.K. Parliament in just a day on Wednesday, a rushed conclusion to a Brexit saga that has divided Britons for more than four years
Britain and EU agree on a draft Brexit deal ahead of a crucial summit. Any final deal still faces the hurdle of passing a divided U.K. parliament.
With lawmakers, and the public, starkly divided over Brexit, Boris Johnson’s request to suspend Parliament put the queen squarely in the middle of a heated issue
EU's delay of Brexit until Oct. 31 further extends a torturous process that began in June 2016 and has divided the U.K.'s people and Parliament
Lawmakers will vote on a series of proposals that could offer an idea of what kind of Brexit Britain’s deeply divided Parliament could swallow
Prime Minister Theresa May is hoping that, if Parliament remains divided, she might use the fear of a disorderly Brexit to squeeze her deal through, perhaps after winning some last-minute concessions from Brussels
With the U.K.’s exit from the EU slated for March 29, Britain's divided Parliament appears likely to vote against the government's Brexit plan. What then?
The British government, Parliament and the country remain starkly divided over Brexit, and pressure has grown to reverse it (corrects missing link)