Britain and the European Union struck a landmark agreement on Monday to end a festering dispute over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland, potentially resolving one of the most poisonous legacies of Britain’s exit from Europe’s trade bloc
Britain and the European Union struck a landmark agreement on Monday to end a festering dispute over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland, potentially resolving one of the most poisonous legacies of Britain’s exit from Europe’s trade bloc
Britain and the European Union struck a deal on Monday to end a festering dispute over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland. Here’s what you need to know.
Britain and the European Union struck a deal on Monday to end a festering dispute over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland, according to British news media reports.
Britain is demanding an end to post-Brexit rules known as the Northern Ireland protocol. Here's what you need to know about the protocol and what would happen if Britain withdrew.
"This is the beginning of the end of Britain as a major European power." Martin Bell, the former war correspondent and campaigning MP, on Brexit, Trump and his most recent brush with death
"This is the beginning of the end of Britain as a major European power." Martin Bell on Brexit, Trump and his most recent brush with death
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, in his first direct talks with European leaders since Brexit, agreed to push ahead with intensified talks in July and August to try to reach a trade deal by the end of the year
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, in his first direct talks with European leaders since Brexit, agreed to push ahead with intensified talks in July and August to try to reach a trade deal by the end of the year
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, in his first direct talks with European leaders since Brexit, agreed to push ahead with intensified talks in July and August to try to reach a trade deal by the end of the year
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, in his first direct talks with European leaders since Brexit, agreed to push ahead with intensified talks in July and August to try to reach a trade deal by the end of the year
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s tight Brexit timetable could make it tough for Britain to strike a trade deal with the European Union by year’s end
"Let's be absolutely clear - there is no legal or political impediment to Britain taking a view that is different at the end of this year when it's presented with the Brexit deal that the prime minister comes back with."