Britain has said that a Brexit treaty on Northern Ireland, negotiated by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and called the Northern Ireland protocol, could create so many problems that it might have to be scrapped if it cannot be rewritten.
Britain has said that a Brexit treaty on Northern Ireland, negotiated by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and called the Northern Ireland protocol, could create so many problems that it might have to be scrapped if it cannot be rewritten.
Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain that any Brexit agreement with the European Union had to avoid a hard border with Ireland.
Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain that any Brexit agreement with the European Union had to avoid a hard border with Ireland.
Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain that any Brexit agreement with the European Union had to avoid a hard border with Ireland.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain vowed to knit together a country split geographically and generationally by the Brexit debate. But the future now seems uncertain, with restiveness in Scotland and Northern Ireland for leaving the United Kingdom.