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Current search:
5 years ago
France's Macron calls on UK's Johnson to clarify Brexit
5 years ago
Highlights: British PM Johnson on Brexit at meeting with Macron
5 years ago
Do the British want to become ‘vassal’ of Trump’s US? Macron taunts BoJo over no-deal Brexit
5 years ago
Setting stern tone, France's Macron to spar with Britain's Johnson on Brexit
5 years ago
British PM Johnson faces tough Brexit lunch with Macron
5 years ago
UK PM Johnson to deliver Brexit message to Macron, Merkel
5 years ago
Macron to discuss Brexit with PM Johnson on Thursday
5 years ago
Theresa May to ask Merkel and Macron for Brexit delay
6 years ago
France's Macron: time to accelerate final preparations for no Brexit deal
6 years ago
Macron lectures UK on democracy while France burns every Saturday – George Galloway
6 years ago
Macron accuses Brexiters of 'lies' over no-deal Brexit – video
6 years ago
UK heading for no-deal Brexit if MPs reject agreement, says Macron – video
6 years ago
No-deal Brexit if British MPs reject agreement again – Macron
6 years ago
May could face humiliating disappointment as Macron strongly opposes Brexit delay – French media
6 years ago
Brexiteer politicians are ‘liars,’ who left campaign ‘next day’ after UK referendum – Macron
6 years ago
Macron calls May’s Brexit plan ‘unacceptable,’ expects new proposals in next month
6 years ago
The Foreign Leaders Trump Favors
7 years ago
Could a British version of political progressives Trudeau and Macron help stop Brexit? Vote in our poll.
7 years ago
Could a British version of political progressives Trudeau and Macron help stop Brexit? Vote in our poll.
7 years ago
Could Brexit discord lead to the rise of a British Macron? | Adam Plowright
7 years ago
British Brexit supporters insult Macron after presidential win
8 years ago
Emmanuel Macron on Brexit and Le Pen