Brexit: UK services are losing out to EU rivals – but Asia could be big winner 4 years ago
European Travel Post Brexit: Pets, Passports, Insurance And More 5 years ago
European security cooperation after Brexit: Unanswered questions for the UK and the EU 5 years ago
European security cooperation after Brexit: Unanswered questions for the UK and the EU 5 years ago
We have been forgotten by Boris Johnson, say Britons in Europe 6 years ago
Voting for “blah blah blah”
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
The Brexit process is still characterised by significant political and economic uncertainty one year after the UK triggered Article 50, a new report by academic group The UK in a Changing Europe says. 7 years ago
Why would the EU agree to Labour’s customs union proposal? 7 years ago
Rand suggests little difference between a CETA and EEA model for the British economy
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
Almost half of NHS doctors from Europe are considering quitting the UK because of Brexit, according to a new survey. 7 years ago
Global Britain: Priorities for trade beyond the EU 8 years ago
How to ensure UK and European financial services continue to thrive after Brexit 8 years ago
How the UK’s financial services sector can continue thriving after Brexit 8 years ago
As the UK searches for a post-Brexit plan, is the EEA a viable option? 9 years ago
What hurdles does the UK need to overcome to prosper post Brexit? 10 years ago
The launch of a new Open Europe report: What if Britain left the EU? 10 years ago
What’s your bet on brexit?