Legislation to prevent a no-deal Brexit was formally approved on Monday, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson is likely to be rebuffed in his second try for a general election. Follow our live updates as Parliament is set for another dramatic day. nyti.ms
Conservative leadership candidate Sam Gyimah has called a no-deal Brexit an "abject failure", outlining how he'd bring a second referendum if a deal can't be agreed in parliament. buff.ly
Could there be a second referendum? If Parliament is deadlocked on Brexit and lawmakers don’t want a general election, there is really only one option left for Britain to avoid a brutal no-deal departure nyti.ms
Enthusiasm for Brexit — once sold as an easy, cost-free choice — has started to wane. While some hardliners favor a no-deal departure, there is certainly no majority in Parliament for it. Increasingly, a second referendum is looking like the answer nyti.ms
A second vote on "Brexit?" It could be the only way out of an impasse if Parliament votes down whatever deal the government negotiates with the E.U. nyti.ms