Come hear what @campbellclaret really thinks about the damage Boris Johnson and Brexit wreaked on Britain. Limited tickets remain. Book now. June 29, Union Chapel, Islington.
Join Alastair Campbell, Bonnie Greer, Patience Wheatcroft, Tanit Koch and Matthew d'Ancona for a discussion on the damage Brexit has done to the UK. Tickets just £15 (£5 concession) - Union Chapel, Islington, N5. Thursday evening, June 29. Book NOW!
What questions do you have about Brexit and Theresa May's resignation? @_StephenCastle and @benjmueller will be live answering your questions about May, Brexit and the future of Britain from @nytimesworld on Thursday, June 6, at 10 a.m. ET.
Britain's prime minister has said she will name her departure date after lawmakers vote on the latest Brexit package, which is currently expected on June 7
EU's delay of Brexit until Oct. 31 further extends a torturous process that began in June 2016 and has divided the U.K.'s people and Parliament
Seeking a second Brexit delay, Theresa May has been touring European capitals, requesting a June 30 deadline. But European Union leaders will decide, and they seem more likely to favor December.