RT @AndrewSparrow: John McDonnell repeatedly refuses to rule out Labour holding second Brexit referendum - https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2017/apr/20/general-election-2017-corbyn-speech-greens-launch-politics-live?page=with:block-58f88e14e4b05b487c0e4125#block-58f88e14e4b05b487c0e4125
RT @guardiannews: 'I was right to hold Brexit referendum' - David Cameron https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/mar/30/david-cameron-i-was-right-brexit-referendum
RT @NikiBlasina: After Brexit and Trump, is Italy next? What's at stake in the country's Dec. 4 referendum on constitutional reforms: https://t.co/7SUTmS3rAY
RT @BBCkatyaadler: EU plans for referendum: if UK votes Remain, EU start implementation of Cameron EU reform deal. If Leave wins, EU will start Brexit process