Come hear what @campbellclaret really thinks about the damage Boris Johnson and Brexit wreaked on Britain. Limited tickets remain. Book now. June 29, Union Chapel, Islington.
From @WSJopinion: Boris Johnson got Brexit done. Liz Truss has the much harder task of making it work, writes @wrmead. There are no guarantees, but both Britain and the world will be better off if she succeeds.
Britain faces multiple economic shocks, from soaring energy prices to the hollowing out of the labor market by Brexit. But these issues seem disconnected from the fight to replace Boris Johnson.
Boris Johnson and his cronies say the current multi-layered crises facing Britain are both nothing to do with Brexit and everything to do with it
For Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a submarine deal with the U.S. and Australia is the first tangible victory in a campaign to make post-Brexit Britain a player on the global stage.
Britain has said that a Brexit treaty on Northern Ireland, negotiated by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and called the Northern Ireland protocol, could create so many problems that it might have to be scrapped if it cannot be rewritten.
Britain has said that a Brexit treaty on Northern Ireland, negotiated by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and called the Northern Ireland protocol, could create so many problems that it might have to be scrapped if it cannot be rewritten.
In the climactic final days of Brexit negotiations between Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain and EU President Ursula von der Leyen, dramatics are not in short supply
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain is in the final phases of trying to negotiate a post-Brexit trade agreement with the European Union, a complex challenge that just became more urgent with the defeat of his ally and ideological mate, President Trump
Boris Johnson has reached a moment of truth on the two issues that have dominated Britain this year: the pandemic and Brexit negotiations. But he is still playing for time — a strategy that could backfire in lost lives or livelihoods if he waits too long
Boris Johnson has reached a moment of truth on the two issues that have dominated Britain this year: the pandemic and Brexit negotiations. But he is still playing for time — a strategy that could backfire in lost lives or livelihoods if he waits too long
Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain that any Brexit agreement with the European Union had to avoid a hard border with Ireland.
Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain that any Brexit agreement with the European Union had to avoid a hard border with Ireland.
Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain that any Brexit agreement with the European Union had to avoid a hard border with Ireland.
Britain and the E.U. were on a collision course Thursday, after Brussels demanded the withdrawal of proposed Brexit legislation that the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted would breach international law
Britain and the European Union were on a collision course Thursday, after Brussels demanded the withdrawal of proposed Brexit legislation that the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted would breach international law
A clash with China has laid bare deeper contradictions in Prime Minister Boris Johnson's post-Brexit vision: Britain wants to go global at a time when globalization is in retreat
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, in his first direct talks with European leaders since Brexit, agreed to push ahead with intensified talks in July and August to try to reach a trade deal by the end of the year
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, in his first direct talks with European leaders since Brexit, agreed to push ahead with intensified talks in July and August to try to reach a trade deal by the end of the year
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, in his first direct talks with European leaders since Brexit, agreed to push ahead with intensified talks in July and August to try to reach a trade deal by the end of the year
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, in his first direct talks with European leaders since Brexit, agreed to push ahead with intensified talks in July and August to try to reach a trade deal by the end of the year