Six and a half years after voting to leave the E.U., two years after it signed a post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels and one month after installing its fourth prime minister since the 2016 referendum, Britain is caught in yet another Brexit debate.
Negotiators for Britain and for the European Union convened in Brussels for what both sides warned was a last-chance session to strike a post-Brexit trade deal before a deadline of Dec. 31
Negotiators for Britain and for the European Union convened in Brussels for what both sides warned was a last-chance session to strike a post-Brexit trade deal before a deadline of Dec. 31
Britain and the E.U. were on a collision course Thursday, after Brussels demanded the withdrawal of proposed Brexit legislation that the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted would breach international law
Britain and the European Union were on a collision course Thursday, after Brussels demanded the withdrawal of proposed Brexit legislation that the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted would breach international law
7 months after Britain exited the EU, its negotiations with Brussels over a permanent trade agreement have fallen into an eerily familiar cycle of recrimination, brinkmanship and warnings of a “no-deal Brexit,” just like a year ago
Seven months after Britain exited the European Union, its negotiations with Brussels over a permanent trade agreement have fallen into an eerily familiar cycle of recrimination, brinkmanship and warnings of a “no-deal Brexit,” just like a year ago
Seven months after Britain exited the European Union, its negotiations with Brussels over a permanent trade agreement have fallen into an eerily familiar cycle of recrimination, brinkmanship and warnings of a “no-deal Brexit,” just like a year ago
The chief EU Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, has warned Britain that the only deal Brussels is prepared to offer is the one on the table. A "no-deal" Brexit is "day after day more likely," he said.
Exasperated with Britain, Brussels is debating how and whether to extend Brexit and still deal with China, Russia, populism, Donald Trump and divisive European elections in May
In Brussels, Theresa May wants to be seen as battling for the best possible deal for post-Brexit Britain. It's part of a strategy to get her plan through Parliament next month.