Spain says it will have last word on Gibraltar border in preliminary post-Brexit deal
“We have understood the need to manage our interdependency,” Spain's foreign minister said in announcing a Brexit deal for Gibraltar, a British territory at its southern tip
“We have understood the need to manage our interdependency,” Spain's foreign minister said in announcing a Brexit deal for Gibraltar, a British territory at its southern tip
'A day for hope': UK and Spain agree draft deal on post-Brexit status of Gibraltar – video
Spain and UK reach draft deal on post-Brexit status of Gibraltar
Gibraltar, a disputed territory, remains a point of contention in negotiations over a Brexit deal as a summit of European leaders approaches on Sunday
Now Spain's PM threatens to vote against Brexit deal over Gibraltar
Almost no one in Gibraltar wanted Brexit. Now, will the territory be sold out by British ministers desperate for a deal with the EU? @harryridgewell goes there to find out.