Guto Harri told New European editor that Boris Johnson wished he sent the “anti-Brexit column to the Daily Telegraph”
What Guto Harri told The New European's Matt Kelly about Boris Johnson's regret over sending the Telegraph his pro-Brexit column:
In this week’s diary column, Hitler’s ghost comes back to haunt the Daily Mail and Mandrake wonders how rehearsals are going for Brexit opponents.
"The road to Brexit series of speeches is done. The road to Brexit is not much clearer. And it is frankly terrifying that wishful thinking is the best they have to offer." @campbellclaret's latest column for The New European.
As Brexit gets closer it now looks further away than ever... The latest column from @mitchbenn.
RT @StephenFidler1: As the U.K. negotiates exit, the rest of Europe is in political flux. My column on the timing of Brexit. via @WSJ