@TheNewEuropean 2 years ago
The Brexit comic https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/the-brexit-comic/ https://t.co/4MrNGdZuOa
@spiegel.de 5 years ago
Brexit-Verhandlungen: Johnson setzt auf die Superman-Methode - DER SPIEGEL
@spiegel.de 5 years ago
Brexit: Boris Johnson und die EU vor Verhandlungen
@dailywire.com 5 years ago
‘A Disgrace’: Patrick Stewart Tells French Audience He’s ‘Embarrassed’ By Brexit
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Tories accused of trolling Remainers by using Comic Sans in pro-Brexit post https://buff.ly/2BB8aIy
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Tories accused of trolling Remainers by using Comic Sans in Brexit post https://buff.ly/2BB8aIy
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Tories accused of trolling Remainers by using Comic Sans in pro-Brexit post https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/tories-accused-of-trolling-remainers-by-using-comic-sans-in-brexit-post-1-6335865
@WSJ 5 years ago
Brexit is making people in Scotland reconsider leaving the UK. If that were to happen, the country could drop the pound create a new currency. Comic Kevin Bridges offered up the name “smackeroonies.” https://on.wsj.com/30xz3XG
@WSJ 5 years ago
Brexit is making people in Scotland reconsider leaving the UK. If that were to happen, the country could drop the pound create a new currency. Comic Kevin Bridges offered up the name “smackeroonies.” https://on.wsj.com/30ioF6e
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Brexit-Geheimplan: Hat Johnson ein Ass im Ärmel? Premier mit skurrilem Comic-Vergleich
@rt.com 5 years ago
‘Un-credible Sulk?’ Boris Johnson’s Hulk comparison mocked online
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Ex-Premier packt aus: Johnson habe sich „widerwärtig verhalten“ - der vergleicht Großbritannien mit Comic
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Ex-Premier über Brexit: Johnson habe sich „widerwärtig verhalten“ - der zitiert derweil einen Comic
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK's Johnson, likening himself to Incredible Hulk, vows Oct. 31 Brexit
@guardian 6 years ago
May, May, Johnson and Gove … new Brexit comic copies Trumpton roll call https://trib.al/5Ar5oHX
@guardian 8 years ago
White knights of band Brexit charge in to EU debate with comic effect http://trib.al/vQHWhvt