@guardian 2 years ago
UK to further delay calling Northern Ireland election as Brexit talks continue https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jan/13/uk-to-further-delay-calling-northern-ireland-election-as-brexit-talks-continue?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1673609987
Northern Ireland terror threat downgraded but Brexit tensions and threats of renewed violence remain
@guardian 3 years ago
Brexit checks on food entering Northern Ireland to continue https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/04/brexit-checks-on-food-entering-northern-ireland-to-continue?CMP=twt_gu&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium#Echobox=1643980299
@theguardian.com 3 years ago
Brexit: there’s ‘a deal to be done’ over Northern Ireland, says Liz Truss
@theguardian.com 3 years ago
Why is UK publishing a ‘command paper’ on Northern Ireland protocol?
@rt.com 3 years ago
Britain’s Johnson vows ‘free & uninterrupted’ trade with Northern Ireland but no EU deal yet as ‘sausage war’ rolls on
@aljazeera.com 5 years ago
Northern Ireland faces cross-border trade challenges after Brexit