Argentina's Brexit: why new president Milei is threatening to pull out of South America's common market
@guardian 2 years ago
Victory – or a trick? Loyalist South Belfast cautious about Brexit deal 3 years ago
Sunderland is coming up shining, despite Brexit and the pandemic 4 years ago
New Premier League Work Permit Rules Open Door To South America
Here's why South Africa and its neighbours are anxious about EU and UK post-Brexit trade talks
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Polling suggests more people in the North of England are anti-Brexit than in the South 5 years ago
Morning mail: UK Tories rebel, Australia's disillusion, Bahamas devastated 5 years ago
Life after EU: Britain signs post-Brexit free trade deal with South Korea 5 years ago
Britain agrees trade deal with S. Korea to maintain links after Brexit
@guardian 5 years ago
UK and South Korea agree to sign post-Brexit trade deal
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
"If Shakespeare wrote Brexit, he would have set it in the South East where both a Remainer Alex Phillips and a Leaver Alex Phillips became MEPs, and a hilarious farce of mistaken identity would ensue." 5 years ago
Even in Parts of England That Rely on the EU, European Elections Are a Circus 5 years ago
Love Corbyn, hate Brexit? Labour's EU elections dilemma – podcast 5 years ago
BBC accused of Question Time bias after switching broadcast from leave-voting Bolton to Dulwich
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
A series of protests have taken place on the south coast to send an SOS message across the English Channel in protest against Brexit. 5 years ago
South Africa’s cricket fans will be betting on Brexit to save their national team
@guardian 5 years ago
Amid din over Brexit and US border wall, spare a thought for South Sudan | Father James Oyet Latansio
@guardian 5 years ago
Amid din over Brexit and US border wall, spare a thought for South Sudan | Father James Oyet Latansio
@guardian 5 years ago
Amid din over Brexit and US border wall, spare a thought for South Sudan | Father James Oyet Latansio 5 years ago
Regret for backing Brexit in Birmingham South-Asian community
@guardian 6 years ago
North to south, the seeds of division in Brexit Britain were sown long ago | Ian Jack 6 years ago
'A real mess': Brixton residents decry Britain's Brexit chaos
@guardian 6 years ago
North-south economic divide set to narrow as Brexit hits London growth 6 years ago
Theresa May backs South Africa land reform—to make a post-Brexit friend
@WSJ 6 years ago
Will Ford Ranger trucks made in South Africa with U.K. parts still enter the EU tariff-free after Brexit? Here’s why ‘rules of origin’ matter. 6 years ago
The Reinvention of America
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
“This is a very good day for Ireland, North and South": Britain and the EU move forward on Brexit talks
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
Buried deep inside the gut of the South Yorkshire Leaver is a firm belief that Brexit is right for them 7 years ago
Will a hard border return to Ireland?
@guardian 8 years ago
How can we close the north-south divide on Brexit? – join our live look at the week
@guardian 8 years ago
Last of the Kolpaks? Why South Africans are in a rush before Brexit bites | Andy Bull via @guardian_sport
@guardian 8 years ago
Gordon Brown: We need a Brexit deal that heals the north-south divide
@guardian 8 years ago
Gordon Brown: We need a Brexit deal that heals the north-south divide
@guardian 8 years ago
Want proof that Britain can thrive after Brexit? Look at South Korea | Christian Spurrier
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
China and South Korea sound notes of caution on ’Brexit’
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit would widen the north-south divide as poorest areas stand to lose most | Peter Hetherington
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
In South Benfleet, people are fiercely English, fiercely Conservative, fiercely pro-Brexit: