@theguardian.com 4 years ago
Brexit: Irish PM asks EU and UK to 'dial down rhetoric' before crisis talks
@rt.com 4 years ago
EU members ‘need to cool it’ on Brexit, says Irish PM as tensions with UK simmer following vaccine debacle at NI border
@faz.net 5 years ago
Wahlkampf in Großbritannien: Cool, aber kein „netter Opa“
@faz.net 5 years ago
Wahlkampf in Großbritannien: Cool, aber kein „netter Opa“
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Distrustful EU to examine Britain's latest Brexit offer
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK PM Johnson makes final Brexit offer, draws cool EU reaction
@qz.com 5 years ago
Theresa May’s resignation tears put her in esteemed company
@sueddeutsche.de 5 years ago
Royals in Deutschland: Immer cool bleiben
@documentonews.gr 6 years ago
Η Τερέζα Μέι χορεύει Abba και «Dancing Queen» σε ρυθμό Brexit! (Video + Photos)
@openeurope.org.uk 10 years ago
The launch of a new Open Europe report: What if Britain left the EU?