@rt.com 3 years ago
Elton John praised on Twitter after tearing into ‘philistine’ UK govt ‘lying through their teeth every f**king minute of the day’
@rt.com 4 years ago
‘This isn’t about choreography’: Irish PM warns EU & UK have only a day or two to avert no-deal Brexit
@rt.com 4 years ago
Remainers’ last stand: British pro-EU cheerleaders mourn Brexit day with black armbands
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
"Big Ben Must Bong For Brexit," one British tabloid headline read. A campaign is underway to get Big Ben in London to ring on the day the UK leaves the E.U. https://nyti.ms/2FTPOo6
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
"Big Ben Must Bong For Brexit," one British tabloid headline read. A campaign is underway to get Big Ben in London to ring on the day the UK leaves the E.U. https://nyti.ms/2Rqw5Sx
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
"Big Ben Must Bong For Brexit," one British tabloid headline read. A campaign is underway to get Big Ben in London to ring on the day the UK leaves the E.U. https://nyti.ms/2TseTyn
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
"Big Ben Must Bong For Brexit," one British tabloid headline read. A campaign is underway to get Big Ben in London to ring on the day the UK leaves the E.U. https://nyti.ms/371Ql3h
@rt.com 5 years ago
BoJo slammed for spouting nonsense, as he calls for the public to ‘bung a bob for a Big Ben bong’ for Brexit day (VIDEO)