"Brexit plays some role: soaring energy prices, import and export complications, rising food prices, rising inflation, unpicked fruit and flowers, sewage pumped into rivers, pigs killed and burnt, additional red tape on businesses, NI Protocol". theneweuropean.co.uk
"I think this little one-week kerfuffle in no way justifies burning £200billion on Brexit so far and stuffing imports and exports services and travel with more paperwork that many businesses can handle." buff.ly
The reality of Brexit - inside the 29 January edition of the @guardianweekly This week, we look at how the reality of what Brexit actually means for UK-EU trade is crashing down on ordinary Britons and small businesses. Subscribe here support.theguardian.com t.co
Brexit was promoted by Britain's prime minister as a chance “to set our own standards, to innovate in the way that we want.” But the changes have led some chemical businesses to rethink their activities in Britain. nyti.ms