there's a new Thought Police podcast available - - join editor Matt Kelly and @talkRADIO's Mike Graham @Iromg for some outstanding chat and argument on Brexit, racism, and can a bachelor ever be PM?
Editor Matt Kelly squares up to TalkRadio’s Mike Graham @Iromg on Brexit in a BRAND NEW PODCAST - The Thought Police. Follow here:
Editor Matt Kelly on his regret at insulting Brexit Party supporters - and his determination to keep calling out the man they rally around: Nigel Farage.
Podcast | Today in Focus: Can Theresa May deliver Brexit? The Guardian’s political editor Heather Stewart looks at the groups in the House of Commons that May will need to win over before 29 March. Plus: Caroline Davies on Prince Charles at 70 Listen now:
During a heated tussle with The New European’s editor Matt Kelly the hardline Brexiteer said Brexit had little to do with the country being better off.
New European editor Matt Kelly @mk1969 in depth here on launching a new national newspaper, journalistic integrity, and why he's still confident Brexit won't actually happen... #journalism #newspapers