Brexit boredom is one thing – but there’s a real problem when Britain’s leaders won’t even talk about Europe anymore
@nytimesworld 1 year ago
For British seafood exporters, Brexit has added extra paperwork and checkpoints to deliveries to continental Europe, delaying transport, causing more shellfish to die en route and raising prices. “Brexit is torment,” one exporter said.
Brexit sparked greater attachment to the European Union in UK and EU citizens living abroad, survey suggests
How Brexit and the loss of free movement have made life harder for mixed British-European families
Four ways Brexit and the loss of free movement have made life harder for mixed British-European families 2 years ago
British and French talks to settle fishing row end in stalemate 2 years ago
To solve its labor shortage, the UK food industry is importing more workers 3 years ago
Five-fold increase in card fees expected when buying from EU 3 years ago
Someone you loved: how British pop could fade out in Europe 3 years ago
Hold a British passport? From midnight, it will no longer get you that European working holiday 3 years ago
Boris Johnson yields to reality, but Brexit will come back to haunt Britain 3 years ago
Britons could need visas for trips lasting over 3 months in post-Brexit reality, French minister warns 3 years ago
France rejects Britain’s ‘intimidation’ after warnings about post-Brexit transport delays 4 years ago
How the rest of Europe marked Brexit day 4 years ago
'Bad news for Europe': EU reacts to Johnson's big Brexit win 4 years ago
London Mayoral Candidate Rory Stewart: 'What Boris Is Doing with Europe Is Extremely Dangerous' 4 years ago
Boris Johnson Furious as Parliament Refuses to Be Bounced Into Brexit Deal 4 years ago
Brexit: Europeans fed up with UK delays 4 years ago
EU says talks with UK's Brexit negotiator still on today 4 years ago
UK getting positive reception from Europe on Brexit plan: Raab 4 years ago
Le Brexit breakthrough? Europe says 'Nein', 'non', 'no' 4 years ago
We have been forgotten by Boris Johnson, say Britons in Europe 5 years ago
Brexit Britain set to wield little influence in new-look Europe 5 years ago
‘It was a no-brainer’: but does a degree from abroad really make a difference? 5 years ago
Brexit is not a threat to British prosperity: Johnson 5 years ago
Britain's Brexit Dithering: It's Time to Let the UK Go 5 years ago
German minister warns 'hard Brexit would hurt everyone in Europe' after May's deal historic defeat 5 years ago
Andy Serkis goes full Gollum to mock Theresa May’s Brexit deal 5 years ago
No-deal Brexit would mean EU architects' qualifications no longer recognised automatically in UK 5 years ago
The Man Who Could Change British Politics 6 years ago
British-Irish relations show signs of Brexit strain 6 years ago
Brexit Masochism: The Blood Feud Among British Conservatives
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
British holidaymakers could have to provide their criminal record, immigration history and biometric data to travel in Europe after Brexit, peers have heard 6 years ago
Rand suggests little difference between a CETA and EEA model for the British economy 6 years ago
The First Brexit Was Theological 7 years ago
Proposed role for ECJ is biggest stumbling block to Brexit talks progressing
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
"Brexit is not over. The British still have time to realise that Europe is their only future."
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
“Brexit is not over. The British still have time to realise that Europe is their only future.”
@guardian 7 years ago
British travellers could face €5 fee to visit Europe after Brexit 7 years ago
How to secure a friendly Brexit? 7 years ago
Getting out quick and playing the long game – Chalmers & Menon 7 years ago
EU business support paramount for British Brexit negotiations 8 years ago
"Europe has been for the lucky few in the UK" 8 years ago
EU Citizens who have already settled in Britain must be made to feel welcome 8 years ago
Kerry: Brexit Vote Will Sharpen Debate Over EU 8 years ago
Brexit or Bremain: the view from Paris and Berlin 8 years ago
Brexit: What's the Future of 'Freedom of Movement'?
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
Brexit gives British tabloids a reason to indulge their nationalist, anti-Europe tendencies.