@theguardian.com 4 years ago
Why Geoffrey Cox's A Man for All Seasons clip sends Brexit Britain a potent message
@rt.com 4 years ago
France’s Europe minister can’t rule out no-deal in Brexit talks as she shrugs off UK’s ‘deadline pressure’
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Countdown to divorce: the meetings that will decide Brexit
@rt.com 5 years ago
‘Insult to British people’: Ex-UK PM Cameron’s claim that Britain needed ‘more’ austerity, blasted by Galloway
@reuters.com 5 years ago
German Finance Minister: Brexit deal will not be changed
@rt.com 5 years ago
Ex-Tory leader accused of ‘abusing history’ with Brexit-Reformation column
@rt.com 5 years ago
Former British spy chief blasts ‘political nervous breakdown’ over Brexit, Tories scoff
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Britain says EU could hold emergency summit to offer conditional Brexit extension
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
Brexit Britain is giving up a three-course meal for a bag of crisps, a top ex-mandarin has warned http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/brexit-britain-bag-crisps-1-5410978 https://t.co/C4hFhSgjCS
@guardian 8 years ago
Britain has heavy responsibility in Brexit talks, says ex-French PM http://trib.al/9vxzNCw