Ex-UKIP aide @GawainTowler on the prospects for the new Brexit Party, set up with the blessing of his former boss, Nigel Farage https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/nigel-farage-the-brexit-party-ukip-catherine-blaicklock-1-5892156
"The fact that much of the Tories’ Hard Brexit wing has left screams of ‘betrayal’ and ‘humiliation’ to UKIP and the semi-detached Nigel Farage, strikes me as highly significant" - http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/michael-white-asks-if-theresa-may-is-going-soft-on-brexit-1-5322164 https://t.co/VbDK7fWip9
RT @AndrewSparrow: Farage was 'using metaphor' when he spoke about taking up a rifle to resist any attempt to block Brexit, Ukip says - https://t.co/1uGcCAqWGG