New EU-UK trade deal has promise for Northern Ireland and US as well
@guardian 1 year ago
Trade down, economy sinking, support falling: is the tide finally turning on Brexit? 4 years ago
5 signs this is the real Brexit crunch (and 4 that it isn't) 4 years ago
Meh! Those pesky EU safety standards were a drag: Pompeo says Brexit will be ‘fantastic’ for the US 4 years ago
Brexit Is Finally Happening, But the Drama Is Far From Over 5 years ago
Brexit: EU looks to Northern Ireland-only backstop to break deadlock
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
With 46 days to go until Brexit Liam Fox has finally secured a transitional trade agreement with one of the UK’s trading partners to allow for business as usual - with many, many more left to sort
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Liam Fox finally gets a transitional trade deal - 963 days since Brexit vote
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
With 46 days to go until Brexit, Liam Fox finally gets a trade deal with Switzerland