@guardian 3 years ago
Brexit situation is ‘fragile’ in Northern Ireland, says Keir Starmer https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/jul/09/brexit-situation-is-fragile-in-northern-ireland-says-keir-starmer?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1625839693
@tagesschau.de 3 years ago
Nordirland-Konflikt: Gerät der fragile Frieden aus der Balance? - tagesschau.de
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago
UK agrees to EU request for more time to ratify Brexit deal
@channel4.com 4 years ago
Democratic Congressman says Brexit deal issue in NI ‘goes beyond taxes and tariffs – it is preserving a fairly fragile peace’
@theguardian.com 4 years ago
My allotment was once a casual hobby. Since lockdown, it's become a lifeline | Alice O'Keefe
@theguardian.com 4 years ago
John Bolton memoir reveals UK's fragile relations with Trump
@forbes.com 5 years ago
Wall Street Edge: Brexit Jeopardizes Fragile Euro Integration
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Global stocks struggle as hopes fade for trade and Brexit deals
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
A journey in search of the north London metropolitan elite
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
The Liberal Democrats, who want to stop Brexit, struck a “Remain alliance” for a special election in Wales. A win for them would further weaken Boris Johnson's fragile parliamentary majority. https://nyti.ms/2SZKQMm
@n-tv.de 5 years ago
Fragile Weltwirtschaft: Börsianer hoffen auf positive Impulse
@qz.com 6 years ago
To most of the world, Brexit is a joke. To Northern Ireland, it’s trauma restored
@theatlantic.com 6 years ago
The Man Who Thinks He Can Save Brexit
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
With the British government so fragile, Brussels is discussing how to fudge the real state of the Brexit talks to protect Theresa May and avoid a cliff edge. https://nyti.ms/2nHuau4
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
With the British government so fragile, Brussels is discussing how to fudge the real state of the Brexit talks to protect Theresa May and avoid a cliff edge. https://nyti.ms/2Mu7dIM by @StevenErlanger
@WSJ 6 years ago
Boris Johnson and David Davis's resignations blow apart a fragile truce in the U.K. government over its Brexit plan https://on.wsj.com/2KIOsRX
@spiegel.de 7 years ago
Frankfurt's Uncertain Future: Brexit Winner, Brexit Loser
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
Observing the "Brexit" debate, Europeans ask: Can a fragile and enfeebled Theresa May deliver? http://nyti.ms/2zhhePo
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
Observing the "Brexit" debate, Europeans ask: Can a fragile and enfeebled Theresa May deliver? http://nyti.ms/2zhjC8L
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Is the Prime Minister’s Brexit negotiations reset working?
@guardian 7 years ago
EU leaders fear that fragile state of Tories will lead to brutal Brexit http://trib.al/X3fNWQR
@guardian 7 years ago
Guardian front page, Monday 19 June 2017: Fragile Tories warned over ‘brutal Brexit’ https://t.co/iN7O3Xz8Ev
@guardian 8 years ago
The fragile UK economy has a chance to abandon failed policies post-Brexit http://trib.al/jaStTXW
@guardian 8 years ago
The fragile UK economy has a chance to abandon failed policies post-Brexit http://trib.al/MSybyG4