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3 years ago
France will reduce electricity supply to Jersey this winter, Paris warns, unless fishermen granted licences for British waters
3 years ago
France, Italy and Germany vie for post-Brexit deals with UK
4 years ago
Brexit trade talks may continue after MEPs' deadline, says France
4 years ago
France won’t ‘sacrifice’ its fishermen in any Brexit deal, minister warns
4 years ago
France stays firm on access to UK fisheries while Germany & Italy hold out for fair Brexit deal as Johnson’s deadline arrives
4 years ago
Can Macron Revive France After Bastille Day?
5 years ago
Brexit: France says idea of Australia-style deal is 'for the birds'
5 years ago
France warns UK it will not be blackmailed into signing ‘bad’ post-Brexit trade deal
5 years ago
France wants customs controls in Irish Sea in post-Brexit talks – minister
5 years ago
France warns Britain against seeking bilateral Brexit deals with EU countries
5 years ago
Encouraged by Johnson's visit, UK officials now hoping rest of EU agrees to work on Brexit solution
5 years ago
Dinard: a very British film festival on the coast of France – so what happens after Brexit?
5 years ago
Commission President: Merkel and Macron at Odds over New EU Leader
5 years ago
At The Heart Of The European Union, Merkel And Macron Disagree On Democracy
5 years ago
EU to agree Brexit delay but France pushes for conditions
5 years ago
Germany to agree to Brexit delay but France sets conditions as May arrives in Paris
5 years ago
May heads to France after asking Merkel to help on Brexit impasse
5 years ago
Theresa May heads to France after asking Merkel to help on the Brexit impasse
5 years ago
EU needs to know why Britain wants Brexit extension, what role it will play: France
6 years ago
France talks tough on no-deal Brexit deadline, at odds with others
6 years ago
Granting Brexit delay to May is not automatic, says France
6 years ago
Post-Brexit trading: European firms seek new strategies
6 years ago
‘Nothing decided’ on Brexit transition extension, says France as May ‘considers’ EU proposal
8 years ago
France’s Le Pen Draws on Trump, Brexit in Election Bid