"Five years on .. the government has done virtually nothing to prepare the workforce for Brexit. The British economy, let alone the hospitality industry, is dependent on foreign workers and about half of them are from the EU" https://buff.ly/3DQUmZf
"The manipulation of the news agenda and the wilful refusal to acknowledge that at least half the country doesn't want the hard Brexit being pursued by this government prevails across the media." https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/pro-brexit-draws-attentions-away-from-peoples-vote-1-6339248
A leading government trade official was paid almost half a million pounds then quit before a single post-Brexit negotiation, it emerged today https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/top-trade-official-catherine-raines-paid-455000-then-quit-before-brexit-talks-started-1-5619610