With Thursday's stunning election result, the Conservative Party is now composed of two wings: hard-line free marketeers and the newcomers, ex-Labourites who expect Brexit to lead to a revival of traditional industries nyti.ms
As hard-line Brexit supporters warm to Boris Johnson's new proposal to extract Britain from the European Union, he has another problem. It's going down badly with the European Union. nyti.ms
As hard-line Brexit supporters warm to Boris Johnson's new proposal to extract Britain from the European Union, he has another problem. It's going down badly with the European Union. nyti.ms
Boris Johnson has alarmed many Britons — including some of his own lawmakers — with his harsh Brexit rhetoric. But activists in his party support his hard line, forgive his missteps and believe he can win a general election. nyti.ms
Britain's Boris Johnson has faced one crisis after another since becoming prime minister. But his Conservative Party activists believe his Brexit hard line can win them an election. nyti.ms
Britain's Boris Johnson has faced one crisis after another since becoming prime minister. But his Conservative Party activists believe his Brexit hard line can win them an election. nyti.ms
Boris Johnson has alarmed many Britons — including some of his own lawmakers — with his harsh Brexit rhetoric. But activists in his party support his hard line, forgive his missteps and believe he can win a general election. nyti.ms
On his first visit as Britain’s prime minister to Scotland on Monday, Boris Johnson pledged to defend the United Kingdom. But his critics believe his hard-line stand on Brexit could cause the union to break apart. nyti.ms
On his first visit as Britain’s prime minister to Scotland on Monday, Boris Johnson pledged to defend the United Kingdom. But his critics believe his hard-line stand on Brexit could cause the union to break apart. nyti.ms
After a brutal political reshuffle, the new cabinet appointed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain met on Thursday to sign up to his hard-line pledge to complete Brexit — without any agreement if necessary and whatever the economic cost nyti.ms
British lawmakers passed a measure to stop the next prime minister from suspending Parliament and forcing through a no-deal Brexit, undermining the hard-line strategy of Boris Johnson nyti.ms
Pro- and anti-Brexit campaigners face a crucial test in European elections on May 23, which threaten more danger for Prime Minister Theresa May. Led by Nigel Farage, hard-line Brexit supporters appear to have a head start. nyti.ms
Pro- and anti-Brexit campaigners face a crucial test in European elections on May 23, which threaten more danger for Prime Minister Theresa May. Led by Nigel Farage, hard-line Brexit supporters appear to have a head start. nyti.ms
Pro- and anti-Brexit campaigners face a crucial test in European elections on May 23, which threaten more danger for Prime Minister Theresa May. Led by Nigel Farage, hard-line Brexit supporters appear to have a head start. nyti.ms
Mrs. May will probably ask the EU next week for a long delay in Brexit. That is where 'flextension' comes in. If a long extension could be shortened, it would calm the fears of hard-line Brexiteers that it might never happen. nyti.ms
Prime Minister Theresa May, whose overriding goal has been to avoid a split in the Conservative Party over Brexit, has refused to exclude the "no-deal" scenario, knowing that doing so would enrage hard-line, pro-Brexit Conservatives nyti.ms
Prime Minister Theresa May, whose overriding goal has been to avoid a split in the Conservative Party over Brexit, has refused to exclude the "no-deal" scenario, knowing that doing so would enrage hard-line, pro-Brexit Conservatives nyti.ms
Hard-line Brexit supporters plotting to oust Theresa May are still battling for the 48 letters they need to trigger a confidence vote. But their "coup" attempt could end up damaging them more than her. nyti.ms
Hard-line Brexit supporters plotting to oust Theresa May are still battling for the 48 letters they need to trigger a confidence vote. But their "coup" attempt could end up damaging them more than her. nyti.ms
Hard Brexit agitator Jacob Rees-Mogg has demanded Theresa May takes a tougher line with Brussels – but denied he is launching a coup to become prime minister. theneweuropean.co.uk
Each time the UK prime minister makes a move over the country’s looming departure from the EU, she upsets someone within her fractured Conservative Party. On Wednesday it was the turn of hard-line supporters of Brexit to be disappointed. nyti.ms