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4 years ago
UK House of Lords strikes down controversial parts of bill at center of dispute with EU, but govt vows to push it through
5 years ago
UK’s House of Lords passes Withdrawal Agreement to allow Brexit by end of January
5 years ago
Weekly Briefing: A very different Brexit year lies ahead
5 years ago
British Parliament Gives Preliminary Approval to E.U. Withdrawal Plan
5 years ago
Boris Johnson's Brexit bill to be put before MPs on Friday
5 years ago
Brexit overload? Twitter down in major UK cities as MPs debate BoJo’s EU withdrawal plan
6 years ago
House of Commons rejects Brexit divorce deal for third time
6 years ago
UK Parliament Will Vote On Brexit Withdrawal Agreement Friday
6 years ago
Parliament Rejects All Options for Brexit, Agrees to Extend Withdrawal Timeline
6 years ago
Theresa May presents her ‘plan B’ to MPs, in bid to break Brexit deadlock (WATCH LIVE)
6 years ago
The big Brexit parliament vote: What you need to know
8 years ago
Brexit Gets Approval in U.K. Parliament
8 years ago
U.K. Lawmakers Trade Blows in Brexit Debate