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6 years ago
The Reinvention of America
7 years ago
Rand suggests little difference between a CETA and EEA model for the British economy
7 years ago
German coalition talks have failed – what now?
7 years ago
Deloitte study finds that the German car industry would be severely hit by a ‘no deal’ Brexit
8 years ago
New migration figures show no clear impact of Brexit vote
8 years ago
Brexit and its impact on financial services – where next for the City of London?
8 years ago
There would likely be a short term shock from Brexit, but the Treasury over does it
8 years ago
Brexit: Short-term pain for long-term gain?
8 years ago
Treasury’s Brexit report – what does it say and how credible is it?
8 years ago
Economic debate over Brexit heats up
9 years ago
German foundation says UK may not lose much from Brexit
9 years ago
How would Brexit impact Ireland?
10 years ago
Securing free trade with EU after Brexit likely in goods sectors but far harder for services
10 years ago
The launch of a new Open Europe report: What if Britain left the EU?