Taken together, Mr. Sunak’s high-stakes diplomacy with Belfast and Brussels, and Nicola Sturgeon’s abrupt departure in Edinburgh, could slow the centrifugal forces that have threatened to unravel the United Kingdom in the aftermath of Brexit. nyti.ms
While London’s once-thriving dining scene has been hurt by the pandemic and soaring energy prices, the labor shortage is almost wholly a result of Brexit, a conspicuous example of how Britain’s departure from the European Union is reshaping its economy nyti.ms
Six and a half years after voting to leave the European Union, three years after the formal departure, and one month after installing its fourth prime minister since the 2016 referendum, Britain is caught in another Brexit debate, says @MarkLandler. nyti.ms
Long after he is forgotten, his legacy of Brexit will still be with us. That is the real tragedy and why I feel unable to celebrate his departure, writes @campbellclarettheneweuropean.co.uk
The departure of British firms for Estonia is a stark example of one of the negative impacts of Brexit, which critics say ties up exporters with new paperwork, imposes new restrictions and limits their ability to recruit workers from abroad. nyti.ms
The departure of an obscure aide shows how Boris Johnson is confronts suddenly shifting political forces, with the election of a new, anti-Brexit American president and mounting pressure to reach a post-Brexit trade deal with the European Union nyti.ms
The departure elicited both hope and trepidation from Britons. Many simply were relieved that the bitter and divisive debate over Brexit was over. nyti.ms
The U.K.'s Brexit saga will continue even after its legal departure today from the EU. Here are five key issues that the two sides are trying to resolve before year's end. on.wsj.com