Brexiteer accuses Boris Johnson of 'deceiving' voters over Brexit pledge
Former MEP who supported Boris Johnson accuses him of breaking Brexit manifesto pledge
Of all the glad tidings that Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised would flow from Brexit, one of the most far-fetched was a baby boom. But at least in his own case, Mr. Johnson has actually delivered on that pledge.
Of all the glad tidings that Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised would flow from Brexit, one of the most far-fetched was a baby boom. But at least in his own case, Mr. Johnson has actually delivered on that pledge.
Brexit: Johnson condemned for dropping pledge to replace family reunion law
Boris Johnson to pledge tax cuts for business in bid to ease Brexit fears
Boris Johnson drinks again - despite pledge to give up alcohol until Brexit is sorted
By the end of the week, if not sooner, it will be clear whether Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson has failed in his pledge to ensure Brexit by Oct. 31,“do or die”
Labour MPs pledge to bring back confirmatory vote amendment if Boris Johnson forces through a Brexit deal
Brexit: Lords deal blow to Boris Johnson with pledge to pass bill stopping no deal – politics live
Jacob Rees-Mogg admits we may not Brexit on October 31st despite "do or die" pledge from Boris Johnson
After a brutal political reshuffle, the new cabinet appointed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain met on Thursday to sign up to his hard-line pledge to complete Brexit — without any agreement if necessary and whatever the economic cost