Why the Voice could be a bulwark against Trumpism gaining a stronger foothold in Australia
@theguardian.com 2 years ago
The ‘worst deal’ in history and an Albanese snub: Paul Keating’s most memorable calls at the press club
@vox.com 2 years ago
The labor strikes in Britain are years in the making
@truthout.org 2 years ago
Consequences of Brexit Are Surfacing as UK Faces Severe Labor Shortages
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
In the years since Britain voted to quit the E.U., many Eastern Europeans have left the country. Now, one pro-Brexit town has become one of many areas where agricultural employers are reporting stifling labor shortages. https://nyti.ms/3ZV0uKY
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
Restaurants across London are so short-staffed that they have had to curtail their hours and in some cases permanently close. The labor shortage is almost wholly a result of Brexit. “It’s worse than Covid, worse than energy costs,” one restaurateur said. https://nyti.ms/3PKf5UY
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
While London’s once-thriving dining scene has been hurt by the pandemic and soaring energy prices, the labor shortage is almost wholly a result of Brexit, a conspicuous example of how Britain’s departure from the European Union is reshaping its economy https://nyti.ms/3GagsZW
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
Britain faces multiple economic shocks, from soaring energy prices to the hollowing out of the labor market by Brexit. But these issues seem disconnected from the fight to replace Boris Johnson. https://nyti.ms/3K4mg7o
@qz.com 3 years ago
To solve its labor shortage, the UK food industry is importing more workers
@forbes.com 4 years ago
Romanian Workers Are Flying In To Fill U.K. Labor Shortages And Remainers Are Loving It
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK post-Brexit rules to 'turn off tap' of low-skilled foreign labor
@sueddeutsche.de 5 years ago
Großbritannien: Amtsmissbrauch? Johnson wehrt sich gegen Vorwürfe
@rt.com 5 years ago
Corbyn plans 2nd Brexit referendum next June if Labor wins power
Brexit: Labor May Force an Election
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Morning mail: UK parliament suspension outrage, Yang's PM plea, Labor boss stood aside
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Showdown um den Brexit: Labor-Chef Corbyn will Boris Johnson stürzen