@nytimesworld 5 years ago
In the growing crisis surrounding Brexit, there are calls for negotiations to be extended to prevent an economically-disastrous exit without an agreement at the end of March — though all 27 other E.U. nations would have to agree to prolong the talks https://nyti.ms/2D4L1jj
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
In the growing crisis surrounding Brexit, there are calls for negotiations to be extended to prevent an economically-disastrous exit without an agreement at the end of March — though all 27 other E.U. nations would have to agree to prolong the talks https://nyti.ms/2D0ts3M
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
As the political stalemate over Brexit drags on with no end in sight, and with business leaders issuing evermore urgent alarms about the threats to the economy, growing public doubts are beginning to register in some opinion polls. http://nyti.ms/2CbeBjn
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
As the political stalemate over Brexit drags on with no end in sight, and with business leaders issuing evermore urgent alarms about the threats to the economy, growing public doubts are beginning to register in some opinion polls. http://nyti.ms/2EVh2to