Trust in politics is in long-term decline around the world – new research 4 years ago
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From Brexit to climate change, the globe is facing a collision of long-term crises 5 years ago
Lionel Barber on his tenure as Financial Times editor, why his paper appeals to millennials, and the correct journalistic response to Trump and Brexit 5 years ago
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The New Right: how a Frenchman born 150 years ago inspired the extreme nationalism behind Brexit and Donald Trump 5 years ago
Trump concerned that Brexit is taking a long time, Farage says after meeting 6 years ago
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@guardian 8 years ago
Trump, Brexit and the age of popular revolt: 2016 in Long Reads
@guardian 8 years ago
Trump, Brexit and the age of popular revolt: 2016 in Long Reads
@guardian 8 years ago
Trump, Brexit and the age of popular revolt: 2016 in Long Reads