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2 years ago
Boris Johnson's messy political legacy of lies, scandals and delivering Brexit to his base
2 years ago
British expats face driving ban in Spain after Brexit delays
3 years ago
Want To Buy Farage's Website? You'll Have To Wait A Bit Longer
3 years ago
Brexit has made it easier for small boat crossings to reach UK, refugees say
3 years ago
Britain to delay some post-Brexit border controls due to Covid crisis
3 years ago
Italy Warns U.K.: America Is Feeding You Counterfeit Pasta
3 years ago
Brexit Britain "no longer a viable distribution hub" say small design businesses
4 years ago
Can Technology Solve The Post-Brexit Woes Of British Exporters?
4 years ago
‘See you next week’? Disbelief as Brexiteer Nigel Farage claims he’s leaving politics (again) after achieving ‘life’s work’
4 years ago
'Lying is no longer a sin': Sylvie Bermann on Brexit and Boris Johnson
4 years ago
Brexit Halts Home Sales Of Made-In-England Brooks Bicycle Saddles
4 years ago
UK scraps ‘tampon tax’ in move hailed by rights groups
4 years ago
Hold a British passport? From midnight, it will no longer get you that European working holiday
4 years ago
Britons could need visas for trips lasting over 3 months in post-Brexit reality, French minister warns
4 years ago
Brexit talks thrown into chaos as EU accuses U.K. of violating "trust," international law
4 years ago
UK-EU trade deal with tariffs impossible in six months, say diplomats
5 years ago
Brexit Means Britain Can No Longer Blame E.U. for Nanny State Nonsense
5 years ago
Boris Johnson’s Post-Brexit To-Do List
5 years ago
Geoffrey Van Orden: "We Felt Let Down by Angela Merkel"
5 years ago
EU vessels will no longer have automatic access to UK fishing waters
5 years ago
Labour Party's Red Wall across England falls as voters clamor for Brexit
5 years ago
UK Labour Red Wall falls in Burnley as voters clamor for Brexit
5 years ago
This Is No Ordinary Impeachment
5 years ago
Twitter banned political ads with a tweet
5 years ago
Boris Johnson offers longer Brexit deal debate in exchange for snap election
5 years ago
'Longer choosing a sofa': Labour MP on time given by Boris Johnson to debate Brexit bill – video
5 years ago
UK has no intention of asking for longer Brexit transition: Barclay
5 years ago
Let's Make a Deal: Europe Can No Longer Afford the Brexit Insanity
5 years ago
Hammond: radical Tory advisers want no-deal Brexit 'shock'
5 years ago
The countries that let foreign students stay the longest after graduation
5 years ago
Michael Morpurgo on fighting Brexit: 'I've been spat at. It's almost civil war'
5 years ago
Boris Johnson's own Brother Resigns in Protest at His Handling of Brexit
5 years ago
Brexit: A Chance For Russia To Rebuild Bridges?
5 years ago
Tuesday briefing: 'We will no longer deal with him'
5 years ago
Donald Trump: we will no longer deal with the British ambassador
5 years ago
Trump tweets “we will no longer deal” with UK ambassador after leaked cables
5 years ago
Elton John: I’m Ashamed To Be British
5 years ago
Duncan Smith calls for May's cabinet to quit if Brexit bill published
5 years ago
German conservative: A longer Brexit extension would have been better
5 years ago
UK PM May open to longer Brexit delay if it can be cut short: EU officials
5 years ago
May signals she would accept EU offer of longer Brexit delay
5 years ago
Angela Merkel backs ‘longer’ Brexit delay than Theresa May’s request
5 years ago
EU to decide on UK's Brexit extension – live news
5 years ago
Denmark's PM to push for longer extension to Brexit delay
5 years ago
EU to grant Brexit delay but may demand a longer extension and conditions
5 years ago
Guardian front page, 10 April 2019: May's hopes dashed as EU targets longer Brexit delay
5 years ago
Theresa May warns of ‘stark choice’ between a deal and no Brexit
5 years ago
UK's May says greater risk of no Brexit the longer it takes to find compromise
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