Britain and the European Union struck a deal on Monday to end a festering dispute over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland, according to British news media reports.
"Beyond being a glorious opportunity for roasting a supermarket’s social media team, what does the labelling of a Morrisons’ chicken as containing “non-EU salt and pepper” tell us about post-Brexit Britain?" Matt Kelly on this week's BIG controversy:
The organiser of a pro-EU rally on January 31 says he does not care if the media want to compare it to Nigel Farage's Brexit celebration
Stoked by a zealous news media and consumed by a divided, enthralled public, the Harry-and-Meghan drama is playing out uncannily like the long-running debate over Brexit, writes
Dominic Raab said this morning "no-one gives a toss about the social media cut and thrust", but he was blocking campaigners during his time as Brexit secretary⬇️
"The manipulation of the news agenda and the wilful refusal to acknowledge that at least half the country doesn't want the hard Brexit being pursued by this government prevails across the media."
Labour Party members have been taking the scissors to their membership cards and posting them to social media after the party leadership endorsed a pro-Brexit manifesto.
"May’s complicity has been aided and abetted by jingoistic and fervently pro-Brexit large circulation media outlets like the Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express and Sun and the pro-Brexit stance of Jeremy Corbyn."
"When politicians and the media glibly say the country is ‘bored’ of Brexit, I can only say I have never seen boredom and passion go hand-in-hand more closely."
We’re on opposite sides of the Brexit tracks, but diverse and partisan media has always been at the heart of British democracy. The more the merrier. So support @TheNewEuropean, or support @reactionlife, or support any other quality journalism. It’s precious and it costs.
The Sun’s front cover sparked confusion and hilarity on social media after the paper launched another pro-Brexit tirade against Remainer MPs.