On his first foreign trip as Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson will speak about Brexit with Germany and France's leaders before a weekend meeting of the G7 countries, where he will have to carefully calibrate his relationship with President Trump nyti.ms
On his first foreign trip as Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson will speak about Brexit with Germany and France's leaders before a weekend meeting of the G7 countries, where he will have to carefully calibrate his relationship with President Trump nyti.ms
On his first foreign trip as Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson will speak about Brexit with Germany and France's leaders before a weekend meeting of the G7 countries, where he will have to carefully calibrate his relationship with President Trump nyti.ms
Mrs. May plans to visit Brussels this week, before a summit meeting of European Union leaders on Nov. 25 that was called to discuss the draft Brexit plan nyti.ms
Blind leading the blind? Theresa May is meeting European Union leaders in Austria and for once they seem to have the same idea: a vague "Blind Brexit" that defers hard issues for another two years. nyti.ms