@theguardian.com 3 years ago
Boris Johnson doesn’t quite get his big moment in the Cornish sunshine
@welt.de 3 years ago
Geheimes Brexit-Tagebuch von Barnier: Warum Boris Johnson „zu allem bereit“ ist - DIE WELT
@welt.de 3 years ago
Geheimes Brexit-Tagebuch von Barnier: Warum Boris Johnson „zu allem bereit“ ist - WELT
@n-tv.de 4 years ago
Person der Woche: Boris Johnson: Leyens Blamage ist Johnsons Triumph
@faz.net 4 years ago
Brexit vollzogen: Big Ben läutet neue Ära ein
@faz.net 4 years ago
Big Ben läutet neue Ära ein - FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
@tagesspiegel.de 4 years ago
Boris Johnson freut sich über den Brexit: „Ein großartiger Moment für dieses Land“ - Politik - Tagesspiegel
@tagesschau.de 4 years ago
Großbritannien vollzieht Brexit: "Ein großartiger Moment" - tagesschau.de
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Leading MEPs give Brexit deadline of Sunday in 'moment of truth' for Boris Johnson https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/europe-news/sunday-brexit-deadline-6854634
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
Boris Johnson has reached a moment of truth on the two issues that have dominated Britain this year: the pandemic and Brexit negotiations. But he is still playing for time — a strategy that could backfire in lost lives or livelihoods if he waits too long https://nyti.ms/37cg2RO
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
Boris Johnson has reached a moment of truth on the two issues that have dominated Britain this year: the pandemic and Brexit negotiations. But he is still playing for time — a strategy that could backfire in lost lives or livelihoods if he waits too long https://nyti.ms/3iXITeB
@rt.com 5 years ago
‘Boris, everything you’ve said has been marvelous, but we will be watching you’ – Farage to PM Johnson ahead of Brexit trade talks
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
No 10 plans low-key Brexit celebration at 'dawn of new era'
@guardian 5 years ago
Brexit weekly briefing: Boris Johnson's 'fantastic moment' arrives https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/jan/28/brexit-weekly-briefing-boris-johnsons-fantastic-moment-arrives?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1580201701
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Skurriler Moment in Straßburg: Brexit-Befürworter greift Landsfrau an - und langt voll daneben
@forbes.com 5 years ago
F**K Business: The Business Of Brexit With Iain Anderson
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Votes on Brexit withdrawal deal are another crunch moment for Boris Johnson https://nyti.ms/2JdBpFh https://t.co/5x7DYXBxT8
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK PM Johnson says hopes this is the moment to get Brexit resolution
@sueddeutsche.de 5 years ago
Großbritannien: Johnsons Moment der Wahrheit kommt bald
@guardian 5 years ago
Boris Johnson faces moment of truth for Brexit deal https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/oct/01/boris-johnson-faces-moment-of-truth-for-brexit-deal?CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1569936436
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Brexit-Chaos - Details aus Juncker-Treffen durchgesickert: Fiel bei Johnson „der Groschen“?
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Brexit-Chaos - Details aus Juncker-Treffen durchgesickert: Fiel bei Johnson „der Groschen“?
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was hoping this would be the moment of victory over his opponents. Instead he faced another defeat in Parliament over his faltering Brexit strategy https://nyti.ms/34D6iMK
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Parteikollege droht Boris Johnson: „Ich schließe im Moment gar nichts aus“
@spiegel.de 5 years ago
A Nixon in China Moment? What Boris Johnson Could Mean for Brexit
@n-tv.de 5 years ago
Brexiteers denken um: Tories kämpfen wie "Ratten im Sack"