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Current search:
2 years ago
Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Theresa May (and soon Nicola Sturgeon): the strange backbench lives of former national leaders
2 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon couldn’t settle the Scottish independence debate – but Brexit just might | Jonathan Freedland
2 years ago
Schottland: Nicola Sturgeon plant neues Unabhängigkeitsreferendum
2 years ago
Brexit: Schottland ignoriert Boris Johnson und plant neues Referendum
3 years ago
Schottland: »Wir erleben gerade, was der Brexit wirklich bedeutet. Und nichts davon ist gut“
3 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon urges SNP to resist Brexit arguments against independence
3 years ago
Politicians should vote on Australian post-Brexit trade deal, says Nicola Sturgeon
4 years ago
Ann Widdecombe is in the Hall of Shame this week for her odd remarks about Brexit and Nicola Sturgeon. Listen in full here:
4 years ago
Schottland: Unabhängigkeit für schottische Wirtschaft teurer als Brexit
4 years ago
Schottland im Brexit: Unabhängigkeitsbefürworter steuern auf Rekordwert zu
4 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon on Scotland after Brexit: "We Are Committed To Becoming an Independent State"
4 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon über Schottland nach dem Brexit: »Wir wollen ein unabhängiges Land«
4 years ago
‘Keep the light on’ Sturgeon tells EU, suggesting Scotland might SECEDE from post-Brexit UK ‘soon’
4 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon hits back at Boris Johnson after Brexit quip about fish
4 years ago
„Schottland in der EU, das ist wie nach Hause kommen“
4 years ago
Schottland: Regierung wirbt für neues Austrittsreferendum
4 years ago
Scotland's leader pushes for new independence referendum next year
4 years ago
How Nicola Sturgeon could stop Boris Johnson choosing no-deal Brexit
4 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon hits out at Boris Johnson's 'reckless brinkmanship' over Brexit -
4 years ago
How Nicola Sturgeon could stop Boris Johnson choosing no-deal Brexit
4 years ago
Ärger über Brexit-Verhandlungen: Schottlands Regierungschefin wirft Boris Johnson "Ruchlosigkeit" vor - DER SPIEGEL
4 years ago
Das Vorgehen der britischen Regierung wäre schon in normalen Zeiten töricht
4 years ago
Boris Johnson’s changes to Brexit bill could result in Nicola Sturgeon taking him to court
4 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon brands Brexit an ‘act of self-sabotage’ that will strengthen case for independence
4 years ago
How Nicola Sturgeon is raining on Boris Johnson's Brexit parade
5 years ago
Post-Brexit immigration plans would be ‘devastating’ for Scottish economy, Sturgeon says
5 years ago
Mitten im Brexit: Schock-Umfrage erschüttert das UK - und Johnson
5 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon: independence best for Scotland post-Brexit - video
5 years ago
Mitten im Brexit: Schock-Umfrage erschüttert das UK - und Johnson
5 years ago
„Boris Johnson kann uns nicht ewig im Weg stehen“
5 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon calls for Scotland to have own immigration powers
5 years ago
Brexit: Nicola Sturgeon fordert zweites Unabhängigkeitsreferendum - ZEIT ONLINE
5 years ago
El independentismo escocés se dispone a torcer el brazo a Johnson
5 years ago
Nach Parlamentswahl: Nicola Sturgeon will zweites Schottland-Referendum
5 years ago
Boris Johnson encarrila el Brexit, pero afronta graves retos territoriales
5 years ago
SNP-Chefin greift Boris Johnson an - und fordert neues Brexit-Referendum
5 years ago
Sturgeon pledges fresh votes on Brexit, Scottish independence in SNP election manifesto
5 years ago
Scotland will pay ‘heavy price’ for Tories’ Brexit obsession, says Nicola Sturgeon
5 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon envisages arrangements with Labour to stop Brexit and end austerity
5 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon 'open to Corbyn' as interim prime minister
5 years ago
SNP’s Sturgeon signals it’s time to install Corbyn as caretaker PM to avert Bojo’s no-deal Brexit
5 years ago
We will not rule out any option to stop Brexit: Scottish leader Sturgeon
5 years ago
„Hinter allem Getöse ist dies eine Regierung, die gefährlich ist“
5 years ago
Scotland’s Sturgeon says Boris Johnson aiming for no-deal Brexit, despite rhetoric otherwise
5 years ago
Scotland's Sturgeon thinks UK PM Johnson is pursuing a no-deal Brexit
5 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon calls for new Scottish independence vote
5 years ago
Boris Johnson as British PM is a ‘horrifying prospect’ – Scottish first minister
5 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon Interview: Boris Johnson Lacks 'Competence and Integrity'
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