Volatility in U.K. markets is compounding six years of extreme disruptions for British companies, starting with Brexit and stretching through the pandemic and the fallout from Russia’s war in Ukraine https://on.wsj.com/3CwMPAl
Long lines have formed at gasoline stations in the U.K., as disruptions to supply chains and a shortage of truck drivers aggravated by Brexit and Covid-19 have led to panic buying #WSJWhatsNow https://t.co/Fjeset2uUf
Boris Johnson suggests Britons to eat more local fish as solution to post-Brexit trade disruptions https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/westminster-news/boris-johnson-eat-british-post-brexit-campaign-7792368
Defra refuses to give details on no-deal Brexit food supply disruptions https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/sep/12/defra-refuses-disclose-details-no-deal-brexit-food-supply-disruptions?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1568293562