UK fisheries accuse EU of using 'nuclear option' in Brexit talks
""We have to put the real inevitable choice back to the British people alongside an option to Remain. That is the only way it will have any legitimacy and the only way we will get Brexit done."
Is Labour’s best Brexit option ‘full remain’ or neutral in a second referendum? | Letters
Nigel Farage falsely claims that no-deal Brexit is 'most popular option in this country'
Nigel Farage falsely claims that no-deal Brexit is 'most popular option in this country'
"It is time to put an end to this chaos, recall parliament, remove the threat of crashing out with No Deal and secure a People's Vote with the option to remain, so we can stop Brexit altogether."
Labour has only one realistic option on Brexit – back remain | Paul Mason
Labour has only one realistic option on Brexit – back remain | Paul Mason
Barnier warns May's deal is the 'only option' for orderly Brexit – live news
Amber Rudd says having a no-deal Brexit option is like 'wearing a seatbelt' 🤔
Labour's preferred Brexit option would cost us £80 billion a year
Brexit party victory in Euro elections would be vote for WTO option, says Farage - live news
Change UK would offer option of a ‘no-deal Brexit’ in a People’s Vote
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May has promised lawmakers that they will have the option to ask for a delay to Brexit if they again reject her withdrawal agreement
Why WTO in a Brexit context stands for 'Wrecked Trade Option'
As the EU warns that “time is almost up” the European Council president Donald Tusk said that 'no Brexit' now looked like the only option.
Pro-EU campaign groups urge European Parliament to keep ‘no Brexit’ option open
Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the opposition Labour Party, appeared to soften his opposition to another Brexit referendum. A second referendum was “an option for the future, but it’s not an option for today,” he said.
Could there be a second referendum? If Parliament is deadlocked on Brexit and lawmakers don’t want a general election, there is really only one option left for Britain to avoid a brutal no-deal departure
A national newspaper claims that the government is now exploring the option of a fresh Brexit referendum.