In the years since Britain voted to quit the E.U., many Eastern Europeans have left the country. Now, one pro-Brexit town has become one of many areas where agricultural employers are reporting stifling labor shortages.
Retired from comics and fired up after Brexit, the great Alan Moore returns with a film he’s finally happy with... possibly because it’s set in his Northampton home town.
One ballot paper in the Cotswold seat of Tetbury town marked with the word “Brexit” was still counted - giving the Conservatives a majority of one.
Brexit secretary Dominic Raab has been accused of "running away" from people living in a border town during his visit to Northern Ireland
Jeremy Hunt has been accused of having "more faces than a town clock" after executing a screeching U-turn on the effects of a no-deal Brexit
The town wanting to have its fishcake and eat it. @LUFCPromised visits Leave voting Grimsby to find out why locals are now seeking exemptions from Brexit for its seafood industry.